Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Still going

So we have been slacking a bit on this blog stuff. It happens. The weather has started to definatly get colder and we are not liking it at all. Temps are diping down into the 30's almost everynight and brushing into the 20's some. But fortunatly no new snow. We have basically just been doing the same old schedule. Going to work for both and Shawn is back at school after a weeklong glorious break. The most excitment we have had is changing our license plates over to Utah plates.. we no longer stand out with those rocking WV plates, haha. Thats about it for now though. Let us know how everyone else is doing!!!


Polka Dot Craft Parties said...

Sounds like you guys are working hard! We are coming out the week before Thanksgiving to see yet-to-be-born Claire....we hope to see you.

Anonymous said...

hey guys:) haha not liking tht cold weather so much? haha its cold here too and its supposed to snow tuesday (28th)!!!ugh :/its been like around the 20s and 30s in the mornings and probly like 50s-60s during the day idk. but omg mom finally gave in and we have internet at the house now! haha im very happy about tht:) well ths was more of an update than a comment so ima go:) tty guys l8r <3 stay warm:)