Friday, August 8, 2008


So just a quick update.. Shawn started with T Mobile and is working at a mall right beside where Sara works. He had to have some interesting classroom training for a few days, but is now on the sales floor selling away! Sara started at Kinkos, and after this week of shadowing, she has 2 weeks on in classroom training, then she starts her 2-10 daily shift... Classes start the 25th and so we are getting close to Shawn being in classes again. Shawn got his home teaching assignments and we got who our home teachers are yesterday. So we are getting settled lil by lil. Tuesday shawn played soccer with the people from our court, they play saturday mornings early and tuesday nights a pick up game. He played and sara watched, so that was fun. Otherwise we are having fun!

1 comment:

MOM said...

Congrats on the jobs!! LOve Ya