Sunday, October 26, 2008


We just want to share our happiness with you that gas is dropping. Thats basically the only reason for that title for this post, haha. As far as news for us, Shawn got a new job with FedEx and is very excited to get started with that very soon. We got to go to nursery today and Sara taught a great lesson to the kids about the Holy Ghost. We had a fun time as always in there. Sara had a great time visiting teaching tonight and getting to know some more people from around the ward. We will be throwing some pictures up in the next few days! Miss you all

1 comment:

Katie and joe said...

hey.... so i kinda found you guys through a little blog stalking- but i wanted to say hi and say thanks for going to dinner with us- it was so fun to see y'all! hope you guys are doing well!

katie (and joseph) brewer